
United Kingdom / Ireland / Scandinavia

“Startups in the BizSpark program tell us that one of their key requirements is access to capital, then access to customers and markets. Without partnerships and support from the likes of The Open Borders Group this task is almost impossible for smaller technology companies. They have limited time and money to invest in a strategy for expansion, especially across borders. Which is why it’s so important to get it right. TOBG has a unique set of skills and insight into the Microsoft Partner channel and is effective at connecting large and small organisations to drive results. They focus on real solutions around access to technology, funding, advice, customer and partner acquisition and expansion. The Open Borders Group is a high value Network Partner for BizSpark and we value their work in this ecosystem.”

Claire O’Halloran, Emerging Business Team: Microsoft Corp

In the UK, our engagement with Microsoft has evolved from collaboration with Open Borders, an initiative to help partners leverage their presence through all the countries they do business.Nigel has helped grow our business here in the UK in many ways.

“What makes Nigel great? He understands our business and how it can get the best out of Microsoft. For every initiative I’m aware of, he’s aware of ten more. He knows what’s realistic so helps us prioritise. He gets stuck in and makes things happen, passing on his experiences to his equivalents in Norway and the other markets we sell into, so they can too. He even drives you to the airport when you’re running late.


Alan Moody – Country Manager, Mamut UK