
United States of America / Asia Pacific

"Atrion International is the world's leading product compliance solutions provider to the formula based process manufacturing industry. With new international regulatory compliance requirements coming into force, we saw an opportunity to rapidly grow our business globally through partners who can scale out our customer reach and implementation capabilities -without substantially increasing our direct costs.

"While we already had some components for engaging partners, we recognized that to build a scalable partner channel would require a comprehensive partner program. We engaged AIM to do this work because of their demonstrated knowledge in building partner channels which we did not possess internally. AIM worked closely with the Atrion team to learn about our business and to develop a completely tailored program that spans our diverse partner types: VARs, OEMs, SIs and alliance partners. AIM did an outstanding job, saving us at least 6 months' work and enabling us to recruit revenue generating partners sooner and more effectively."

Joe Cella Vice President, Marketing & Partner Programs Atrion International Inc.

"Hoover's is the world's largest provider of business insight on industries, companies and executives. We saw an opportunity to dramatically expand our market penetration by integrating access to our database with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and then recruiting Microsoft partners to sell our solution "Access Hoover's" with every CRM system.

"We engaged AIM to develop our partner program to enable us to scale out our partner recruitment and activation at an accelerated rage with quality and professionalism. Applying its extensive channel building expertise and in-depth knowledge of Microsoft partners, AIM delivered outstanding results; providing us with the roadmap and tools to build a partner channel that has the industry knowledge, technical competency and motivation to grow our business."

Heidi Tucker, Vice President Business Development, Hoover's Inc.

"One of our biggest challenges and opportunities is to help Microsoft Dynamics ISVs to scale out their businesses through the Microsoft ecosystem. To do so, Microsoft has engaged AIM (AEUSA International Marketing) to develop a structured, repeatable and scalable process which results in our ISVs more effectively, prospecting, recruiting, activating and growing their reseller channels.

"We chose AIM for this work because of its international experience, in-depth knowledge of the Microsoft Dynamics business and its partner to partner channel building expertise. The feedback from our participating ISVs has been excellent.

"We are confident in our selection of AIM for this specialized work and for any ISV looking to grow its business in North America and internationally."

Darlene Perfetto, Senior Director, Dynamics ISV Business Development, Microsoft Corporation

"As the leading EDI solution provider (V-Sync) in the Microsoft Dynamics GP market we saw a major opportunity in expanding our solution to Microsoft Dynamics AX to address larger clients and international markets.

"We engaged AIM to help us search for and prioritize Microsoft Dynamics AX partners that could enable us to realize this opportunity. AIM delivered by identifying more than 100 partners that we didn't know existed. This market intelligence has been the key to helping us to reach new customers and markets."

Bill Knapp, President, vSync

"I was very impressed by the level of thought and detail that went into creating our new Partner Program. The structure, processes, and resources defined across the entire partner life cycle was of immediate benefit in our efforts to recruit new partners and re-energize existing ones. AIM did an outstanding job."

Randy Keith, President and CEO, Serenic Software

"AVFconsulting is a Microsoft Gold Certified partner that has developed IP tailored to the needs of the K-12 education market. The sales of this software have resulted in it becoming the leading solution provider to school districts in Pennsylvania. We saw an opportunity to package this software and spin off an ISV company to market it through a network of Microsoft partners nationally.

"We engaged AIM to develop the strategic business plan that will map out our direction. With its in depth knowledge of the ISV business, Microsoft and partners, AIM delivered an excellent practical and actionable plan that is our step by step roadmap for growing this new ISV company."

Andrew Fass, President, AVFconsulting